Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Smut for Smut Day 2

Well I think today was a lot bigger than yesterday. Not in terms of numbers, but in terms of the people that we actually got the opportunity to talk to not. Not get yelled at by. Also had a lot more people swapping today now that they know we are here.

We also made national AND international news (Spain, Auzzieland, and New Zealand) which is pretty epic.

Anyways last day is today, I'll post tomorrow how it goes :]

God Bless,
Atheist Agenda of UTSA


  1. You guys go! I mean in the good way, as in "You go girl!" I completely support you. I'm a philosopher/atheist at Virginia Tech. Great idea!

  2. I wrote a response to your event you can view at my blog. Feel free to respond if you wish.

  3. You are only giving more ammunition to the religious people.

    I understand you want to attract attention, but as an atheist I wish you'd take the high road instead of showing your ass like this.

    My friends think you are actually some sort of religious group trying to foment anti-atheist sentiment. If so, good job.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I stand corrected, it was Canada.


  7. I live in Houston and would be willing to help you guys out or organize the same kind of thing down here.... lemme know

  8. You were also news in Brazil too.
    Very funny way of getting attention to this subject. Just waiting for the next one.

  9. Very interesting to read about your action. Feel inclined to copy it. Did you receive many scriptures? How are you planning to dispose of them? Burning is too symbolic. But return paper recycling might be a good idea. There is still a risk that they will end up in the wrong hands (bibles in the wrong hands can be very bad), but not so great, I think.
